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Fort Portal Diocese seeking support of 1.6 Billion to accomplish the Cathedral renovation. God bless you as you support this noble work.

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps::

  1. Write a check payable to "Catholic Diocese Of FortPortal"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Catholic Diocese Of FortPortal"
  3. Mail your check to:

Catholic Diocese Of FortPortal
Social Communications Office
P. O. Box 214, Fort Portal, Uganda
Tel: 0414-6-71225/0772-996067/0778-134315)

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!


Donation Total: UGX 1,000,000


Contemplative Dominican Nuns

The Dominican Contemplative Nuns ; Situated in Keren off Ngong road, who have dedicated their lives to serve God and his people through prayer behind the walls of their cloistered Monastery. Their love of God and neighbor is expressed in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, celebration of the entire Divine Office and Holy Mass, daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, community life and sacrificial life. We pray for them their plan of starting Evangelization in our diocese to be a success.

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