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Fort Portal Diocese seeking support of 1.6 Billion to accomplish the Cathedral renovation. God bless you as you support this noble work.

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps::

  1. Write a check payable to "Catholic Diocese Of FortPortal"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Catholic Diocese Of FortPortal"
  3. Mail your check to:

Catholic Diocese Of FortPortal
Social Communications Office
P. O. Box 214, Fort Portal, Uganda
Tel: 0414-6-71225/0772-996067/0778-134315)

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!


Donation Total: UGX 1,000,000


Caritas Fort Portal – HEWASA is the social services arm of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Portal. It was established in 1980 as an emergency and charity organization to support the people affected by the civil unrest at the time. These included the internally displaced people, the orphans, and vulnerable children. The organization was operating as a Faith-based Organisation. In 1993 the organization expanded to include Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Justice and Peace, Agriculture Development Services (ADP), and Financial services before being registered as a company limited by Guarantee in 2011, as Diocesan Social Services (DSSD) Caritas Fort Portal operating within the geographical coverage of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Portal, which covers the districts of Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa, Kamwenge Kitagwenda, Bunyangabu, Bundibugyo, and Ntoroko. After years of growth and expansion, the need of the communities and development partners, the legal status of the organization has recently been changed from a company limited by Guarantee into a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating at the National level with the Caritas Fort Portal – HEWASA. VISION A Healthy Population in a Healthy Environment. MISSION To provide quality and cutting-edge Integrated Social Services geared towards creating a healthy & prosperous population that is environmentally responsible, with secure and sustainable livelihoods. CORE VALUES
  • Love of God
  • Team Work
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Equity and Equality
  • Empathy
  • Environmental Protection (Greening)
  1. Civic Education on good governance, Human rights, and economic empowerment for development in Fort Portal Diocese project.
Project Goal. Community leaders involve communities in decision-making processes to ensure good governance, democracy, transparency, accountability, and observance of human rights.      2. PROMIC Project Project Goal The empowerment of hundreds of active poor individuals with entrepreneurial skills and willingness to work hard in order to make an efficient contribution to poverty reduction in households.      3. Agriculture Development Program (ADP) Project Project Goal Improved Livelihoods through Agriculture Development and Market Access in Fort Portal Diocese”       4. Caritas Japan Project goal Promotion of food and income security through sustainable agricultural practices for 200 households in the Fort Portal Diocese.        5. WASH AND LEARN PROJECT –HEWASA Project goal Improved health and quality of education arising from equitable access to sustainable safe clean water, sanitation, and better hygiene practices for pupils and teachers.        6. FINISH MONDIAL PROJECT –HEWASA Project goal
  1. Raising awareness and creating demand for sanitation amongst end-users
  2. Mobilizing the supply for sanitation
  3. Integrating local financiers
  4. Collaboration with key stakeholders.
Project goal Increase access to health products, Knowledge, and incomes of VHTs as well as contribute to the realization of the sustainable development goals SDG 3(Good health and wellbeing) and SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation).        7. MULT- YEAR PROJECT (MYP) PROJECT HEWASA Project Goal Increased community access to safe water and sanitation. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) NORTH PROJECT –HEWASA Project Goal Sustainable and equitable access to and use of WASH service        8. WASH SDG COVID-19 RESPONSE PROJECT –HEWASA Project goal Enhanced Mitigation measures against Covid-19 mitigation      9. WATERSHED PROJECT –HEWASA Project Goal Capacity building of CSOs for the evidence-based lobby and advocacy strengthening capacities of Government in citizen participation, social inclusion, WASH/IWRM integration, transparency, and accountability.       10. SANITATION FOR -MILLIONS PROJECT-HEWASA Project Goal Accelerating sanitation access in Apac District using the market-based approaches for sanitation.       11. ALTH OFFICE- PROJECT HEWASA Project Goal Reduce use of all surface, ground, and underground water in the project’s target areas.        12. WASH FIRST. Project Goal. To reduce the spread and effects of COVID-19 among the most at-risk populations in the Bundibugyo district. NOTE: FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR COMMISSION PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW: